Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box is a mixed reality escape room built in a CAVE. The room utilizes motion-capture technology that allows for puzzles that standard escape rooms have yet to capture. Pandora's Box was the winner of the Technical Excellence Award at RPI GameFest 2020.

In Pandora's Box, you play as a group of four thieves who have just broken into The Contemporary Greek Museum, a newly-founded gallery showcasing personal collections that provide fresh takes on the ancient Greek mythos. Your goal: infiltrate the museum and steal Pandora's Box. To do that, you'll need to find your way around an elaborate security system interwoven into the exhibits themselves. Luckily, you all came prepared with your patented Top Hat Technology to buy you some time. You have 30 minutes before security catches on. Good luck!

I designed most of the physical puzzles and room layout, and also programmed some of the digital puzzles.

Demo Videos

These puzzles are supposed to be solved by multiple people, but due to a certain global pandemic, I had to demo them by myself ☹️.

Music Note Puzzle

Medusa Puzzle

Card Puzzle 1

Card Puzzle 2

Map Puzzle

Ring Puzzle

Tangram Puzzle

Stick Puzzle


Pictures of the room and some puzzles.